
“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” Positive thinking is like exercising a muscle. Only it gives you a mental workout. The more you use it, the better you will be at it. It’s not possible to think positive all of the time, but you want the majority of your thoughts to reflect good and happy things.

People may not think positive because they might not know the right tools to use for becoming a positive person. Some things that will help you be positive are: coping skills, building up encouragement, changing your thoughts by developing good habits, surrounding yourself with positive people, and being spiritual


Real positive thinking works by implementing coping skills. Pray, think positive thoughts, write poetry and letters, read the Holy books, help others appreciate the positive work of another, sincere towards your duty, socialize, sleep, and take walks. Something any of us could try: hold on to the good in life, reflect on what God has done for you, and think of happy time of past, go to your happy place.

We must go a step further and whenever we meet someone who is in trouble or sick or dejected we should help him by making him see the brighter side of things and fill him with hope and optimism which will help him greatly to rise above his problems My father said, “you can’t choose if a bird flies over you, but you can choose where it builds its nest.” If a bad thought comes into your head, just let it go right out again. “Put those thoughts in a drawer. Here are some thoughts to think about: you can realize it’s your responsibility to be happy. Think how can I make this a positive?

You can become in love with life by thinking of life as an adventure. Every time you step out of your house is an adventure! Think about how the possibilities are endless. The sky is the limit.” If you keep that perspective, nothing in life will seem dull or boring. You won’t even have time to worry or think negatively, because your mind will be so focused on the good in life.

Have at least one positive person in your life because the people you are around most are what you’ll become. You want to be a person that others can look up to. I picked up the habits and mannerisms of speaking of my friends, and my parents. I also started to sound like my mentor, with the words I chose and what I believed.

Even if you are friendless, you will always have your Creator with you. He said He will never leave you nor forsake you. That’s something to be positive about! I read an article that it is proven that people who go to church live longer and are more happy. I think the reason why they are happy is because they are connected in a community of people, their time is filled up with a good activity, and because they have people who look after them.

Positive thinking changes your life by giving you skills to lessen your problems, gives you the strength to go on, helps you to lower conflict in yourself, because you have formed good habits. Positive thinking helps you be that person others can follow as an example, and spirituality adds dimensions to give you hope.

Along with the positive thought we should work hard and be dutiful what Allah has bestowed upon us and accept every negative challenge in a positive way and don’t care about what the other people are saying because it is a trend of society that if you will think and do any positive work, negative people will criticize you.  And always help the needy persons generously and never adopt the back door even to your enemy because the generally Shaitan adopt the back door and do harm to the good people. Be clean and and never create any doubt about any person..Never worry about the persons who are jealous of you and apply your positive attitude to change that jealousy into positive thought.


Always work hard and be loyal towards your duty and never depend upon the destiny. In Islam also, there is a one Hadith of Ali ibn Abi Talib related that the Prophet said, “One’s final destination, in Hell or Paradise, is already determined for each one of you.” A man then said, “Should we depend on this, O Messenger of Allah (meaning to abandon working deeds)?” He said, “No. Perform deeds, because everyone will be helped (to go on the path that he chooses and reach his destiny).” Then he said, “All will be helped to satisfy what they were created for.” The Prophet ordered the companions to perform righteous, good deeds and not to depend on Al-Qadar (destiny).

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